
    The issue that I have discovered from my topic, photography, is about the photographs taken by the photographer. Photographs taken by both professional and amateur photographers can be posted for audiences through social media such as Instagram, VSCO, and more. But then, photographs that are posted on the social media outcome will have different textures and colors outcome in different digital media. The difference in the range of the audience can be seen through likes and comments on their posts. For professional photographers, they can broaden their audiences even more by having an exhibition. Professional would be able to hold their own exhibitions from their own incomes and sponsorship. On top of that, they can have a successful exhibition due to the number of audiences they have. Meanwhile, for amateurs, it's rather hard for them to hold their own exhibition. 

    By sighting the photographs, audiences will use their senses to admire the artworks and the story behind them. Seeing them through phones, tablets, laptops, computers, and other media is not as pleasing as seeing them directly in the printed medium. Therefore by having this space, even amateur photographers could exhibit their artworks and gain more audiences through this exhibition held in the space. 


    The rotating rack will be for framed A1-sized printed photographs. For this rotating rack, there will be a barcode that will lead visitors to the caption and cutline of the particular photo, different angles and shots of the subject or object of the photo, as well as the photographer and their background or story. This rack will rotate in 2 different ways including clockwise and anticlockwise rotations, it will rotate every 3 minutes. Visitors could choose to stay in one place or to move around to see the artworks, these could lead them to a new experience as well. The photographs that will be exhibited here will stay for 2 weeks. Topics of the photography will be different every 2 weeks. After 2 weeks of the exhibition, photographers could take home their printed photographs.

    The hanging frames will be consisting 3 to 7 layers of framed A0-sized printed cut-out photographs, these layers create a 3D effect to the artworks. The artworks for this exhibition will be chosen from the rotating exhibition from the votes of the visitors. The frames will be moveable due to the clip accordingly to the distances that are needed for each photograph. Artworks will be on the exhibition for 1 month long. 


    Inside the space, there will be a photo exhibition which is the main space of the gallery. On top of that, there is a digital gallery as well, where all the photographs will be displayed in digital media. In this digital gallery, history and information about photography will be displayed as bits of knowledge for the visitors. Next, will be the lens refraction showcase where lights will be refracting to the different types of lenses of the camera lens design. After that, there will be also a material display for visitors to feel and touch the raw materials used in making the body of the camera. Other than that there will be a self-photo studio, goodies or souvenirs store, and printery.

Project Timeline


    This week is a pin-up presentation regarding our progress of the medium. After presenting it to the lecturers, I received advice and comments from all the lecturers to consider. As a result, I keep on working on upgrading the medium.
